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Energy Perspectives
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Energy & Daylighting

Areas of Proficiency

  • Energy Modeling: eQuest, Energy 10
  • Evaluation, Measurement, Verification 
  • Renewable Energy
  • Green Power
  • Life Cycle Costing
  • Energy Audits
  • Daylighting Analysis

Throughout their lifespan, buildings continually consume massive amounts of fossil fuel-generated energy. The CO2 emissions associated with the energy use of our buildings is the largest contributor to the global carbon footprint, larger even than transportation.

At 7group, we focus on designing a different kind of building, one that places energy efficiency and daylighting at the forefront of our decision making. Our projects create less demand on the energy grid, use available site energies, increase the efficiency of everything that’s left, and minimize or neutralize the carbon footprint to the highest extent possible.

Focusing on reducing energy demand during the early stages of design enables a reduction in heating and cooling needs. These load reductions allow for a down-sizing of HVAC equipment which reduces first cost. This and other integrative design strategies allow us to produce buildings which reduce first cost while significantly increasing energy savings.

This kind of thought leadership is backed by deep expertise in energy modeling, evaluation, measurement, and verification, along with proven techniques for achieving optimal daylighting performance.

7group is proud to collaborate with the following organizations: