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Integrative Design
Podcast / Radio Show
Building Deeper Green: Reframing Sustainability

Bill Reed & John Boecker Voice America Radio Show

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7group widely shares its knowledge and expertise as a way to contribute to the growth and development of the green building movement. Our partners are actively engaged in teaching, workshops, and project leadership. In this section, we provide resources that may be useful:


7group has written and contributed to numerous publications on subjects including integrative design, solar energy, energy modeling, and AIA Best Practices.


7group produces videos and communication materials with a focus on green buildings.  Complete videos and be viewed and downloaded.

Project Reports

A series of actual project reports, analyses, and sample charrette outputs are included which are representative of some of our expertise.


Sample presentations related to our work along with links to webinars and video presentations featuring 7group partners and staff.

Useful Stuff

Design guides, sample commissioning documents, sample materials reports, and other useful documents are included to help guide project teams.


A thirteen part radio program, Building Deeper Green: Reframing Sustainability, featuring 7group collaborator Bill Reed & 7group partner John Boecker which aired on the Voice America Radio Show.

7group is proud to collaborate with the following organizations: